Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

2 Month Check Up

Oh we were so not pleased with this trip.

Right off the bat someone was a fussybutt. Normally the first thing he objects to his temperature being taken, but this time it started with getting him undressed. He squirmed and screamed and gave us the most horrible look. He was surprisingly okay with the temperature being taken this time.

When it was time to weigh him I completely freaked out. She put him in and said he was 10 lbs 12 oz. Well last Tuesday he was 11 lbs 5 oz, so I was shocked he had lost that much weight in a week and I was worried something was wrong. Luckily the nurse rechecked it and said it was her error and he was 11 lbs 12 oz. PHEW! And of course, like usual, he peed like a fountain out of the bucket seat of the scale, no surprises there.

Up next came the shots. 4 of them. He was not happy with them. He was alright having his legs stretched out for them but when that first needle went it he SCREAMED. The nurse who gave him the shots was a pro and got all four done within 12 seconds, going one right after the other and he didn't have time to get another scream out before she was done. Of course he was a disaster when it came to getting him ready to go, screaming while we set up the next appointment, screaming through the waiting room, screaming to the car.

As soon as we got him to the car and in his car seat he calmed down and within minutes of being in the car he fell asleep. Of course that sleep lasted about 4-5 minutes and he was up and ready to go again. I was expecting a disaster baby and him to be a pill the rest of the afternoon and well into the evening. Nope. He was all smiles and giggles, talking to us and acting like nothing happened. Of course that only lasted a few hours, before he did turn into that disaster we were expecting. He wailed on and off for about 3 hours, only calming down in the bath tub, but as soon as we took him out to get ready for bed he turned on us again. It was a rough night for awhile but once he calmed down we were able to put him down with his fishies, and after about 45 minutes of him talking to his turtle, he fell asleep and we were able to get some talking in and a couple episodes of Pawn Stars and fell asleep..

All in all it wasn't the worst doctors visit we've had, and I'm not at all looking forward to our next one!

You can't even tell he had 4 shots ten minutes ago!

Monday, July 25, 2011

2 months!!

It's seriously been two whole months. It seems like so much longer and like no time at all!  It's been a crazy two months and we've been loving it!

Noah's Favorites
His fishies. We think his favorite is the turtle. No he doesn't have real fishies or turtles (even though we do have both for real in the house) but his Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Lullaby Soother. Once we put him in his crib for the night we turn on his fishies and he sits and stares at them and talks to it when his turtle comes around. After 10 minutes they stop moving and he lets us know, and even though the music is still playing if we don't reset it in time meltdown ensues. The fishies have definitely become a regular part of bedtime!
Our love of being outside has grown even more, he's a big fan of sitting in a stroller and watching. Watching what, we don't know, but he loves to do it.  He sits outside with Daddy while he BBQ's and is either all smiles and giggles or has a complete look of confusion.
Bath time. We love bath time. Completely different from his first bath, which was a complete disaster. If he's upset and we put him in the tub he almost immediately calms down. He smiles and kicks like he's trying to swim and absolutely hates getting out.

Noah's Not So Favorites
Burping. We never had a problem with burping him before but a few weeks ago he decided to fuss through burping. Okay, fuss is an understatement, he decided to scream through burping.
He doesn't mind diaper changes as much as he did before, but he hates being wet. Even the slightest bit of wet he tends to freak out. He doesn't do it all the time but about 75% of the time he will not have it. Sometimes we go through 3 diapers an hour because he's having a cranky diaper day.
Swimming. This kid hates swimming. I guess he doesn't actually swim so much as he sits with me. He's okay with it for about 3 seconds and then he lets out a ridiculous wail and screams until you change him out of his swim outfit.

Eating and Sleeping
Somehow he has turned into a messy messy eater. We never had an issue with it before, but lately he has a hole in his cheek and leaks everywhere. He's taking 4-5 ounces every 3-4 hours although when we hit a growth spurt it seems like he can't get enough!
As far as sleeping goes he takes catnaps through the day, lasting anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour, takes a decent nap in the evening for an hour to two hours. He solidly sleeps through the night, anywhere from 7-11 hours and he wakes up takes a bottle and normally falls asleep mid-bottle or right after his first burp.
Thankfully he can sleep anywhere and through just about anything. The one thing that woke him up out of a dead sleep was a helium machine at Party City, other than that he's a sleeping champ!

Places We've Been
We go to the mall a lot. A lot a lot. He likes going around in the stroller with no sidewalk bumps and in a climate controlled space.  He ends up with all kinds of fun stuff from his mall trips, mostly outfits I can't leave behind.
We went to a party at the Anenbergs house, and he slept the whole time. There was super loud music in the yard and we stayed inside and he slept through loud people and being passed around and I was super proud of him. 
Sometimes I think he likes the car rides better than the destination!

Doctor Visits
We went to El Camino for an Ultrasound and VCUG to check out his kidneys and it was horrible. They inserted a catheter and he was miserable. Absolutely miserable. The worst part was they had to pull it out and reinsert it because they messed up the first time. Even after they put it in, it was still leaking when he peed and he was a giant mess. They did let me stay with him the whole time and I was able to keep him relatively calm, but I still felt horrible hearing my baby cry and not being able to pick him up and console him. 
When it was time for the ultrasound he fell asleep and they decided they did the procedures out of order because the dye they inserted through the catheter was still present when they tried to do the ultrasound making making his kidney problem look a million time worse. We had to wait for him to pee and empty his bladder and it took over an hour. They gave us a private ultrasound room with a super uncomfortable gurney to sleep on and let us nap until he did pee. By the time we left the hospital he was covered in his pee, iodine, sticky tape residue, something sticky they put on him for the VCUG and ultrasound goop. It was definitely bath time when we got home. 
We took the results to the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford and they told us he has mild hydronephrosis, which is dilation in the kidneys, we have to go in for ultrasounds every 3 months this year and every 6 months next year and once a year after that to keep  an eye on things.

This has been another amazing month, he's growing up so quickly it's crazy!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Smiles, Giggles and Head Holding Up!

We officially have a smiley little man!
It's not just the occasional smile when he feels like moving his face, we now have a few things that make him smile:)

He thought it was funny throwing up on Mommy and Daddy's bed!

If you poke his nose and in an extremely obnoxious baby voice say "Noah's nose!" you get a little smile and if you go back and forth from his nose, cheeks and bottom lip, the smile grows and grows! Jesse was changing his diaper and he wasn't too happy about it and he stopped and tried to make him smile and he not only got a smile, but a giggle, too!  It was a pretty nice way to start Daddy's day off.

Something else that makes him smile (and we aren't sure why) is when he is screaming and unhappy and Emily yells back. Dunno why, but he stops screaming and we occasionally get a smile out of it and I'll take it!

He also is a fan of his car seat toys, the turtles on his Pack n' Play, and various other toys we have around the house. If you press the nose on his doggy in the car seat it lights up and sings, and it is an instant smile in the car and he loves it!

Another milestone type thing is the head holding up. He's always had fairly good head control, right after they put him on my chest at the hospital he lifted his head and looked around the room then up at me, but he's gotten much better and we don't have to worry about his head flopping back anymore.

He isn't a huge fan of tummy time, he doesn't hate it, but he would rather tummy time on someones chest than with the Boppy. When he uses the Boppy he lifts up his head, looks around, smiles at Mommy and then face plants after about 4 minutes.  The best moment yet was halfway through a bottle I was burping him and he plants his hands, lifts his head, looks me in the eye and lets out the loudest burp I've ever heard out of him! It was so loud my mom heard it in her room through a closed door, silly little boy!

All in all he's doing really well right now, growing too fast and stealing our hearts more and more each day! I think our next update will be on his kidney situation because we will have gone to the children's hospital at Stanford and will know how he's doing and what's going on at this point.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Family Outings

Giants Game
So for my Grandma's Birthday we went to a San Francisco Giants game. Jesse had work so we were going up later than the rest of the fam and my mom waited and went with us. We ended up driving about 3/4 of the way there and then took the train the rest of the way into the city to avoid city parking. It's a disaster without fail every time. That's why even though we live a whopping 45 minutes away I do my best to avoid going into the city whenever I can.
Anyway. Noah's first train ride also happens to be Daddy's first train ride, and Noah's first Giants game was also Daddy's first Giants game.
Now let me say, the train is an interesting place. You have teenage sluts drunk in the back, thinking they are the coolest people in the world, the skater who looks like he might fight you but is super sweet and offers you a seat and the straight laced family who looks terrified they are taking public transportation.  Of course the train is full of people with the same idea as us and the A/C is broken so we're sweating up a storm.
We get to the city, get off the train and are greeted by the cool breeze off the bay. Normally I'd be freezing, but since the train was so hot the cold was definitely welcome. We walked down to the stadium and being SF there were already drunk belligerent people all over the streets. Terrifying when you're carrying a month old baby in a front pack.  We meet up with my grandfather who has our tickets and since Grandma is in a scooter we are sitting in a handicapped section and get to take a nice elevator to our seats. So glad we didn't have to carry the baby up a ton of stairs, they make me soo nervous because of how clumsy I am!
Noah slept through the whole train ride there, the whole game (2 diaper changes and a feeding included), the whole train ride back and the car ride home. Then he proceeded to sleep another 4 hours before deciding it was time to be up for the day at 5 o' clock.
All in all a good outing I would say!

Our first Giants game as a family

Cars 2
I heard about a Cars 2 event at The Tech Museum and thought it would be a good place to go check out. We went with Dustin, Trinity and Kira and ohmigoodness. The line was huge! Since it was a free event I expected a lot of people but nowhere near the amounts that were there. While waiting in line someone came around with Lightening McQueen tattoos and the boys and Kira were all over them. Of course my husband, breaking away from the pack, got his on his forehead(which made for a fun date night later in the evening!) So we waited in line, had some awkward interactions, and finally hit the front of the line, got our little decoders and went inside. It was nowhere near as exciting as Facebook made it sound.  There was a matching game, free key-chains and magnets, and you got to take pictures with a couple of the cars. After we left we went across the street to the fountain park. Kira had fun running through the fountains, although she wasn't too sure of them at first.  We eventually went home and Noah took a lovely nap while the boys played basketball and I made sandwiches and picnicked on the front lawn.


She was excited when she stopped being scared
Our Family<3

4th of July
So we had no standing plans for the 4th this year, just a lazy day at home(after running a decent amount of errands in the morning.) I cleaned the back patio while Jesse was inside, and he BBQ'd for our house. We ended up having pork chops, chicken, sausages and corn, somehow nothing green ended up on the table.  Noah was hanging out with daddy while he BBQ'd and while I washed the outdoor furniture on the lawn.  We sat to eat and he was in his bouncer content until we actually started eating. Then little mister wanted to be held and never put down. We sat and ate, passing him around taking turns eating. After cleaning up dinner and settling inside we decided to try and catch some fireworks. Of course our neighbors were setting some off this year that were legit real ones, not just noisy ones, but fun colors in the sky fireworks. We ended up driving to Milpitas just to end up in horrible amounts of traffic. We caught part of a show while driving and ended up a residential street watching the rest of it. Noah decided he was hungry so he ate through the fireworks, but it kept him distracted from the noise of the fireworks. It was a lovely first 4th of July for our new family:)

Watching Fireworks

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Noah Patrick's First Month

So I've been slacking on this newly started hobby of mine, but hey, the little monster takes up a lot of time!
Technically he's 6 weeks today so I'm really slacking, but at least I'm doing this at all! I'm doing this as Daddy and Noah sit on the couch playing video games because it is far too hot to even think about going outside! Let's be real, it's been 80 degrees since 8 o' clock this morning. That's hot.

Noah's Favorites
As far as playing goes he seems to like his play mat(That we no longer have.) He loves looking at the lights and hearing the music, but it was returned because we found one that is just as good and came with an excersaucer for much cheaper. I'm not complaining and neither is he:)
We seem to love car rides and looking out the window at everything that passes by. The occasional scream is let out, but is quickly solved by popping a binky in the little guys mouth.
Outside. He looooves being outside. Whether it's gardening with Grandma or BBQing with Daddy, kid can't get enough of being outdoors. He isn't entirely sure what to think of the dogs or chickens yet, but he doesn't seem to hate them. If he can't be outside, he is content chilling in his Pack n' Play and looking out the front window.

Noah's Not So Favorites
Bathtime. This child screams bloody murder the second he touches water. We had a disaster of a first bath, and although it was entertaining for the rest of us, he was not at all pleased.
As much as he loves riding in the car, he cannot stand the getting in the carseat process. He fights you when you try to get his arm strapped in, and heaven forbid the bottom buckle is under his booty and you have to pull it out. Screams galore.
Diaper and outfit changes. As if changing his diaper wasn't enough, a diaper and outfit change at the same time seem to push him over the edge. We think the diaper issue is due to a rash he had(I think from the drymax in the diaper) and it took two people to change him. One to do the actual diaper change, and one to talk to him, hold his hands and try to keep him calm. Throw an outfit change in and take something over his head and you've really pissed this kid off!

Eating and Sleeping
As far as eating goes it's pretty consistent, every 3 hours we have 3-4 ounces, followed by some big stinky burps(The best ones are always saved for Grandma)
For the first two weeks he was waking up every 2-3 hours either for eating or diaper changes and then one night he magically slept 8 hours. Yes, 8 whole hours. It was INCREDIBLE! We thought it was a fluke and he was just extremely tired, but the next night we got 7 hours, and the same after that. Since then we've had solid night sleeps all but 2 nights. We won't wake him up to eat or be changed, we figure if he's hungry or too uncomfortable he'll let us know.
He does refuse to sleep in his basinett, so if he's sleeping in our room it's in his swing, otherwise he sleeps in the Pack n' Play and I sleep on the couch.

Sleepy Head

Places We've Been
His first outing was a trip to Babies R Us when he was a whopping 4 days old. We went to get some formula since it was on sale and a crib. We were hoping for a quick trip, but the crib we wanted was out of stock in store and online so we ended up looking at more and it took an hour longer than we were hoping. He was an angel until it was time to check out, and of course there was a line up the wazoo and back down it.
He also went on his first picnic, a trip to Mommy's work and Daddy's, quite a few Target and mall trips, a BBQ at Auntie June's house and a graduation party.

First Picnic

Check Ups
At his one week appointment we had quite the adventure. After having his temperature taken, the nakey boy was put in the scale. Yes. In the scale. It wasn't a nice new scale you lay the baby on, it was an old scale with a bucket seat that had the counter-weights you slide around to see how much something weighs. While sitting in the bucket seat we hear an insanely loud noise come from him. He pooped. Not a little poop, it looked like he completely emptied himself out. Little did we know that was just the beginning. We put him on the exam table to clean him up and the poo just kept coming. At one point it shot  across the room. Yes, poop SHOT out his hiney and got some pretty good distance. On top of the pooping, he also peed on the wall. His little weewee made a fountain that hit the lovely green wall. The nurse just smiled, said she'd seen worse, got out the disinfectant and cleaned it all up. I felt so terrible and was so embarassed.
Now as for what we went there for. He's growing nicely, 20 1/4 inches long and 7 lbs 11 oz.
We got a referral to go to the children's hospital at Stanford for his kidneys, and have an appointment mid-July.

At his one month appointment we had nowhere near the amount of excitement. He's still average at 21 3/4 inches and exactly 10 pounds. He got a single shot and was ok with it at first and then realized "Oh snap this hurts!" and let out a heartbreaking cry. He was pretty easy to calm down and fell asleep shortly after being put in his seat. While walking out to the car it starts pouring. The last day of June and it is raining like no other.

We had our first Father's Day which is covered in a previous post if anyone wants to know:)

This has been an incredible month and we love our little guy more than anything! I can't wait to keep everyone updated on his fabulous little life!