So I've been slacking on this newly started hobby of mine, but hey, the little monster takes up a lot of time!
Technically he's 6 weeks today so I'm really slacking, but at least I'm doing this at all! I'm doing this as Daddy and Noah sit on the couch playing video games because it is far too hot to even think about going outside! Let's be real, it's been 80 degrees since 8 o' clock this morning. That's hot.
Noah's Favorites
As far as playing goes he seems to like his play mat(That we no longer have.) He loves looking at the lights and hearing the music, but it was returned because we found one that is just as good and came with an excersaucer for much cheaper. I'm not complaining and neither is he:)
We seem to love car rides and looking out the window at everything that passes by. The occasional scream is let out, but is quickly solved by popping a binky in the little guys mouth.
Outside. He looooves being outside. Whether it's gardening with Grandma or BBQing with Daddy, kid can't get enough of being outdoors. He isn't entirely sure what to think of the dogs or chickens yet, but he doesn't seem to hate them. If he can't be outside, he is content chilling in his Pack n' Play and looking out the front window.
Noah's Not So Favorites
Bathtime. This child screams bloody murder the second he touches water. We had a disaster of a first bath, and although it was entertaining for the rest of us, he was not at all pleased.
As much as he loves riding in the car, he cannot stand the getting in the carseat process. He fights you when you try to get his arm strapped in, and heaven forbid the bottom buckle is under his booty and you have to pull it out. Screams galore.
Diaper and outfit changes. As if changing his diaper wasn't enough, a diaper and outfit change at the same time seem to push him over the edge. We think the diaper issue is due to a rash he had(I think from the drymax in the diaper) and it took two people to change him. One to do the actual diaper change, and one to talk to him, hold his hands and try to keep him calm. Throw an outfit change in and take something over his head and you've really pissed this kid off!
Eating and Sleeping
As far as eating goes it's pretty consistent, every 3 hours we have 3-4 ounces, followed by some big stinky burps(The best ones are always saved for Grandma)
For the first two weeks he was waking up every 2-3 hours either for eating or diaper changes and then one night he magically slept 8 hours. Yes, 8 whole hours. It was INCREDIBLE! We thought it was a fluke and he was just extremely tired, but the next night we got 7 hours, and the same after that. Since then we've had solid night sleeps all but 2 nights. We won't wake him up to eat or be changed, we figure if he's hungry or too uncomfortable he'll let us know.
He does refuse to sleep in his basinett, so if he's sleeping in our room it's in his swing, otherwise he sleeps in the Pack n' Play and I sleep on the couch.
Sleepy Head |
Places We've Been
His first outing was a trip to Babies R Us when he was a whopping 4 days old. We went to get some formula since it was on sale and a crib. We were hoping for a quick trip, but the crib we wanted was out of stock in store and online so we ended up looking at more and it took an hour longer than we were hoping. He was an angel until it was time to check out, and of course there was a line up the wazoo and back down it.
He also went on his first picnic, a trip to Mommy's work and Daddy's, quite a few Target and mall trips, a BBQ at Auntie June's house and a graduation party.
First Picnic |
Check Ups
At his one week appointment we had quite the adventure. After having his temperature taken, the nakey boy was put in the scale. Yes. In the scale. It wasn't a nice new scale you lay the baby on, it was an old scale with a bucket seat that had the counter-weights you slide around to see how much something weighs. While sitting in the bucket seat we hear an insanely loud noise come from him. He pooped. Not a little poop, it looked like he completely emptied himself out. Little did we know that was just the beginning. We put him on the exam table to clean him up and the poo just kept coming. At one point it shot across the room. Yes, poop SHOT out his hiney and got some pretty good distance. On top of the pooping, he also peed on the wall. His little weewee made a fountain that hit the lovely green wall. The nurse just smiled, said she'd seen worse, got out the disinfectant and cleaned it all up. I felt so terrible and was so embarassed.
Now as for what we went there for. He's growing nicely, 20 1/4 inches long and 7 lbs 11 oz.
We got a referral to go to the children's hospital at Stanford for his kidneys, and have an appointment mid-July.
At his one month appointment we had nowhere near the amount of excitement. He's still average at 21 3/4 inches and exactly 10 pounds. He got a single shot and was ok with it at first and then realized "Oh snap this hurts!" and let out a heartbreaking cry. He was pretty easy to calm down and fell asleep shortly after being put in his seat. While walking out to the car it starts pouring. The last day of June and it is raining like no other.
We had our first Father's Day which is covered in a previous post if anyone wants to know:)
This has been an incredible month and we love our little guy more than anything! I can't wait to keep everyone updated on his fabulous little life!