Noah's Favorites
His fishies. We think his favorite is the turtle. No he doesn't have real fishies or turtles (even though we do have both for real in the house) but his Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Lullaby Soother. Once we put him in his crib for the night we turn on his fishies and he sits and stares at them and talks to it when his turtle comes around. After 10 minutes they stop moving and he lets us know, and even though the music is still playing if we don't reset it in time meltdown ensues. The fishies have definitely become a regular part of bedtime!
Our love of being outside has grown even more, he's a big fan of sitting in a stroller and watching. Watching what, we don't know, but he loves to do it. He sits outside with Daddy while he BBQ's and is either all smiles and giggles or has a complete look of confusion.
Bath time. We love bath time. Completely different from his first bath, which was a complete disaster. If he's upset and we put him in the tub he almost immediately calms down. He smiles and kicks like he's trying to swim and absolutely hates getting out.
Noah's Not So Favorites
Burping. We never had a problem with burping him before but a few weeks ago he decided to fuss through burping. Okay, fuss is an understatement, he decided to scream through burping.
He doesn't mind diaper changes as much as he did before, but he hates being wet. Even the slightest bit of wet he tends to freak out. He doesn't do it all the time but about 75% of the time he will not have it. Sometimes we go through 3 diapers an hour because he's having a cranky diaper day.
Swimming. This kid hates swimming. I guess he doesn't actually swim so much as he sits with me. He's okay with it for about 3 seconds and then he lets out a ridiculous wail and screams until you change him out of his swim outfit.
Eating and Sleeping
Somehow he has turned into a messy messy eater. We never had an issue with it before, but lately he has a hole in his cheek and leaks everywhere. He's taking 4-5 ounces every 3-4 hours although when we hit a growth spurt it seems like he can't get enough!
As far as sleeping goes he takes catnaps through the day, lasting anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour, takes a decent nap in the evening for an hour to two hours. He solidly sleeps through the night, anywhere from 7-11 hours and he wakes up takes a bottle and normally falls asleep mid-bottle or right after his first burp.
Thankfully he can sleep anywhere and through just about anything. The one thing that woke him up out of a dead sleep was a helium machine at Party City, other than that he's a sleeping champ!
Places We've Been
We go to the mall a lot. A lot a lot. He likes going around in the stroller with no sidewalk bumps and in a climate controlled space. He ends up with all kinds of fun stuff from his mall trips, mostly outfits I can't leave behind.
We went to a party at the Anenbergs house, and he slept the whole time. There was super loud music in the yard and we stayed inside and he slept through loud people and being passed around and I was super proud of him.
Sometimes I think he likes the car rides better than the destination!
Doctor Visits
We went to El Camino for an Ultrasound and VCUG to check out his kidneys and it was horrible. They inserted a catheter and he was miserable. Absolutely miserable. The worst part was they had to pull it out and reinsert it because they messed up the first time. Even after they put it in, it was still leaking when he peed and he was a giant mess. They did let me stay with him the whole time and I was able to keep him relatively calm, but I still felt horrible hearing my baby cry and not being able to pick him up and console him.
When it was time for the ultrasound he fell asleep and they decided they did the procedures out of order because the dye they inserted through the catheter was still present when they tried to do the ultrasound making making his kidney problem look a million time worse. We had to wait for him to pee and empty his bladder and it took over an hour. They gave us a private ultrasound room with a super uncomfortable gurney to sleep on and let us nap until he did pee. By the time we left the hospital he was covered in his pee, iodine, sticky tape residue, something sticky they put on him for the VCUG and ultrasound goop. It was definitely bath time when we got home.
We took the results to the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford and they told us he has mild hydronephrosis, which is dilation in the kidneys, we have to go in for ultrasounds every 3 months this year and every 6 months next year and once a year after that to keep an eye on things.
This has been another amazing month, he's growing up so quickly it's crazy!
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