Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 11, 2011

30 before 30

So I've decided I want to have a 30 before 30 list. (30 things to do before you're 30)
Jesse has agreed to do this with me, I don't know if it means we will have a list as a couple, individually or a joint list with some things for him, some for me and some together. I'm not gonna lie, I'm thoroughly excited about this endeavor. I'll make a real list soon, after Jesse and I have a chance to figure this whole thing out. So on top of Noah I'll have things on here about us, too!

(Granted I'm pretty sure those of you that read this really only read it for the baby!)

Anybody have suggestions for the list?


  1. Sky diving. It would be epic. I'll totally go with you. and I love that you use correct grammar. It makes me smile inside.

  2. Funny story, it takes serious coaxing to get me onto a plane that I'm not jumping out of. If I knew I was going to have to jump out of the plane I was about to board I'd freak out. Soooo not happening.

    And I like my grammar:)

  3. take a cruise, go back to Europe, good credit score, buy a house, get a university degree, learn to sew/knit/crochet (something of the fabricky type), ride horses, road trip across at least 1/2 the country...hrmm, there's lots more I can think of.
