Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 1, 2011

No More Newborns!

We're officially done with newborn clothes! I'm kinda happy and kinda sad all at the same time. Some of my favorite outfits for him were NB.

My favorite!
Funny story, we had no newborn clothes when he was born. At my last ultrasound, at 36 weeks, they told us to expect a 9-10 lb baby. Since we were expecting him to be so big we didn't buy any newborn anything. When he was born at 7 lbs 5 oz, we had to go out and buy him clothes because everything was dangerously big on him. He could wiggle out and twist himself up in what we had.  Needless to say I didn't want him to hurt himself getting wrapped up in his clothes, so we decided to go and get him something that fit.

We took a family shopping trip to Babies R Us when he was 4 days old, and got him all sorts of fun stuff, including a crib. We ended up with mostly pajamas for him because it was still so cold, even though it was almost June.  I was expecting him to outgrow everything we bought within a couple weeks, but he ended up just outgrowing the last thing this last week! I feel like it was a $100 well spent. I cringed when we spent that much on something I was expecting to only use for a few weeks, but newborns lasted us 2 months. Of course we had some things that were bigger that fit him, but we've officially moved on to 0-3 months!
We have a ton of cute outfits for him now that I can't wait for him to wear! I swear this kid has more clothes that I do!

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