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Sunday, January 1, 2012

365- A Blog for the Year

So one of my resolutions is to do a 365 blog. This means a blog post every day. Crazy, yes. Doable, hecks yeah! Not every day is going to be a big old post, I kind of have a schedule I'm going to do my best to follow.

Sunday: Books of the Week
Monday: Video Day!
Tuesday: Things I Love
Wednesday: Picture Day!
Thursday: Up for Grabs Day

Friday: Recipe of the Week
Saturday: Building a Bucket List

So I think these are mostly self explanatory, Sunday is going to be all of our bedtime books for the week; Monday is going to be a video of sorts; Tuesday is things I love, whether it be products, people, places; Wednesday is a picture of the monster so I can document him week to week; Thursday is pretty much random day, if I have a holiday to blog, a milestone, a trip; Friday is going to be either a family favorite recipe or the most successful recipe of the week; and Saturday will be the day I add something to my bucket list, or expand on something that's already there. (This is mostly for me and my motivation to do things, if I share with everyone I'll have to do it!)

So since it's Sunday I'll go ahead and list out our books for the week! Since Noah got so many books for Christmas I think we'll read some of his new ones:)

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